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Hobbit Underground Home Examples


The Lord of The Rings movie series rocked the film industry in the early 2000s, grossing nearly $3 billion at the box office and winning a total of 17 Oscars – a record the trilogy still holds to this day! Because of these movies popularity we get many requests to plan & build Hobbit inspired dwellings. Our team has advised many on this style, especially vacation rentals. Here are a few examples we like to inspire your project:

Examples - Images from the Movie

Many of the images for the movie were modeled, but not actually built, though some spaces are open to the public to visit in Matamata, New Zealand.

Example #2 - Hobbit's Dream, Virginia, USA

Stepping inside, this vacation rental's main living room features a framed map of the Middle-earth and a cosy fireplace. Through the rounded door frame sits the double bedroom and bathroom. Randy ~ Linda / Airbnb

“There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo… and it’s worth fighting for.”– Sam

Example # 3 - Several architects have creates Hobbit inspired projects:

These are but a few of the Hobbit architecture we like. We'll share a few more and then share additional examples on future blogs. When you wish to start your project contact us and share your ideas. First consultations are free.

Example #4 - A DIY Hobbit project in Simondale, Wales:

A true DIY! These owners built with salvaged materials & their own labor. Spent only about $4000 in cash. Humble, unique and rustic, yet quite comfortable.

Example #5 - Sketching & Modeling Hobbit Projects

Our team of architects, designers, 3D modelers, drafters, interior designers, engineers and builders help you create your ideas, then we develop the construction documents and permitting application packages needed so you can permit and build your ideas. Contact us when ready to build your earth-sheltered, underground and above projects.

DREAM BIG! How do you want to live?

Start Now. It takes a year or more to plan & permit most custom builds, so best to start your planning soon. Contact us at


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